Terror in Toddler Town
Finishing up our kiddie trifecta, we have a train wreck of a product for you. Check out this mind-blowing packaging design, and try to figure out the thought process behind it. |
Every toddler alive wants Play Doh No. 5
As we all know, where toddlers go, romance follows. Here's something for that 3-foot tall Casanova we all know. |
Learning the New English
Learning. Every child does it, some better than others. Finding a good set of educational toys is paramount. However, if you're in China, well, let's just say, "Let the Buyer Beware." Make sure to check the last image in the set. |
The Outbursts of Everett True
These cartoons, printed from 1905-1927. The setup of the strip is extremely simple. In the first panel, Everett is subjected to one of the many common annoyances that are foisted upon each of us daily. In the second, he beats someone up for it. |
Can I Get an Amen, Brother?
Short doc on the most sampled drum beat in the history of recorded music, the Amen Break. Now I hear this break everywhere. Check this out, you'll hear it everywhere, too. A little academic and dry, but good stuff. |
The_Pigeon The_Apprentice
The music section is online, finally. It's a track-per-week release of music from a good frind of mine. His catalog covers 6,500 tracks, so we have a huge selection to choose from. |
Pizza Hut Menu - in Japan
I have now discovered that the Japanese are by far the most innovative when it comes to pizza designs. Left, a picure of the Idaho Special, containg bacon and potatoes and more. On the page, click the pizza images for it's ingerdients. |
Notes on the Denial of Perspective
Cool pieces of work by Felice Varini. Playing tricks on you mind in the most regular of places. |
Excellent short by Neill Blomkamp, previously known for the excellent Tetra Vaal short. Also features Linda Carter as the neighbor. Kinda sad, but worthwile viewing. |
All Together: Lou Rawls' Navy
Lou Rawls narrates this Navy recruitment film of the 70's. Lou was a very persuaive speaker. Excellent stuff. Music is by Port Authority the US Navy’s Soul Band. Soul Quotient: 5 Stars. Video link on the right hand side of the page. |
Sunset on Mars
Mars Exploration Rover Spirit captured this stunning view as the sun sank below the rim of the Gusev crater on Mars. Spirit was commanded to stay awake briefly after sending that sol's data to the Mars Odyssey orbiter just before sunset. |
Star Wars Trifecta Complete:
Billy Dee Williams' Paintings
No more Star Wars posts for awhile, I promise. But check out Mr. Williams' paintings. He also collects cookie jars, but that's another story. |
Hyperdrive: A Distinct Possibility
A well respected theoretical physicist's attempt to reconscile Quamtum Physics with the Theory of Realtivity in the 1950's is currently under serious review by the US Military and the DOE. |
Star Wars Ep. V 1/2
A short that puts a new twist on The Empire Strikes Back. Made entirely with legos. Funnier that I thought it would be. |
Lou Rawls: Cold Power
In memoriam of Lou Rawls's passing, here is a rare mp3 of some ads he did for Cold Power detergent. |
The Caterer
I'm not big into the comics scene, but this is one I have to read. This mid-70's series has everything: non sequiturs, psychotic rants, ramdom violence... a must see! |
American School Teacher in Japan
The Japanese education sytem is made up of two separate yet equal parts: the students, who act bizarrely, and the ESL teachers, who attempt to teach them. These are their stories. |
Mr. Magoo in Hi-fi
Mr. Magoo sets up his new hi-fi stero, and zany hijinks ensue. Funny in the "What the hell is going on?" and "Why did they do this?" kind of way. This is side 2 of the record. Side one is just easy listening music. |
Stalin's Simian Army Plan
In the 1920's the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin ordered the creation of Planet of the Apes-style warriors by crossing humans with apes, according to recently uncovered secret documents. |
The Safe Bedside Table
A designer's concept for a table that converts to a self-defense truncheon and shield to defend you against intruders who break into your home while you sleep. |
Catapult Kits
Scaleable plans based on actual historical designs. Give yourself a project this winter, and send your problems "Out of Sight, out of Mind!" |
Parking the Donut &
Shouting at the Polish Begonias
Random euphemism generator. |
The Facts About Chuck Norris
It was someone famous who once said, "Chuck Norris has 3 facial expressions, and one of them is 'with beard'. Text only, possibly not safe for work. |
Atari Laptop
Exellent pice of work. A hand-crafted, custom designed Atari 800 XE GS in laptop form. |
C'etait un Rendezvous
On an August morning in 1978, French filmmaker Claude Lelouch mounted a gyro-stabilized camera to the bumper of a Ferrari 275 GTB and had a friend, drive him at breakneck speed through the heart of Paris. |
Lizard vs. Meathead
The Japanese know television. The kind of television that redefines the whole concept of bizarre. This clip features Japanese girls tempting a big lizard with food. Food strapped to thier head. Warning: screaming ahead. |
Contains all previous articles. |